CCM Missionary

Out of a desire to please God, I set out in His plan. In my every weakness and valley of life, I can feel His blessed hand present with me!
Birthday May 26
Sending Church North Point Alliance Church
Gifts Hospitality, Teaching, Cooking
Philosophy Preach the word, be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage - with great patience and careful instruction.(2 Tim 4:2)
Field South Korea (2020-present)

Introduction I was born in a family filled with pressure, which has made me a highly adaptable person and at the same time desirous of leaving the family! Mum is a Christian, due to her prayers and God's insistent love,I was blessed with this everlasting life. I then committed myself to search for the sheep outside the sheepfold.

Food Apple, Napa cabbage
Drink Water, green tea, freshly brewed coffee
Color Every colour
Sport Hiking, swimming
Author Nouwen, Milton Wan
Book Books on reflection and growth
Interest Handicraft, Drawing, Travelling
Scripture I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil 4:13)
Hymm (Chinese)《標桿人生》編曲:周德威/蔡佩真 詞曲:劉淑英
Present Healthy food
Happiest Moment Pray and chat with friends
Most Relexing Moment Solitude, Quiet time
Most Concern Salvation of souls
Dream Become a vessel of His miracles
Know you care by Heartfelt asking after me and prayer for me