CCM Missionary

Not depend on ourselves, but only depend on God.
Birthday Mar 11
Sending Church
Gifts Teaching, listening, encouaging, supporting
Philosophy Bring God's people back to HIS house, to rebuild the relationship with God.
Field Indonesia(2018 ~ present)

Introduction I came to know the Lord and confirmed receiving Him as my personal Savior in my high school, On graduation I offered myself for service to God and started teaching Chinese, and as I taught I also learned. Afterwards, I studied 'teaching foreigners Chinese'. I told God that I was willing to use what I learned to serve Him.
God brought me to Panama through a Christian organisation where I started serving Him as a tentmaker. I have never gone through any missions training before, nor have I ever thought of becoming a missionary. So, through the Panama ministry, God led me into the missions arena. At the start I could not be sure of my missionary status, but by God's guidance, I received the mission from God.
God brought me to Indonesia in January 2018 through that organisation again, as my new mission field. A second Christian centre was established there. We have school, children's home, training ground and farm. I use Chinese to serve God in the Christian centre. Other than teaching Chinese, I also train teachers and help local youths to become God's disciples.

Food Steak
Happiest Moment Someone convert to God
Relaxing Time God with me
Dream everyone back to God
Most Concern unbelieving people
Know you care by greeting from someone, a gift with love