Song of Praise

Field: Asia


Song of Praise was baptized and joined the church in 1976. She was originally a high school teacher. She went to seminary in 1983, wishing to learn more about the Bible and to prepare herself to serve the Lord. In 1985, she joined a short term mission to North Thailand where she saw the needs of the poor and inspired to be a missionary. After graduation from seminary, she worked at Spiritual Light Church. Two years later, she went back to her mother church to do the pastoral work. In 1993, she went to Alliance Bible Seminary for missionary studies. In '99 Chinese Convention of World Evangelism Youth Mission, she was inspired again by the testimonies of different speakers. She responded to the calling of God. In 2001, she became a missionary and was sent out to serve in the mission field.

Mother church: Chinese Rhenish Church

Birthday: September 9 

Gifted Areas: teaching, caring

Favourite Food: fish, chicken

Favourite Drink: fresh orange juice

Favourite Fruit: banana, orange 

Favourite Snack:  chocolate, sweet soup

Favourite Colour: pastel colour 

Favourite Present: classical music CD  

Favourite Hymn: Wondrous Love by P.L. Yeung

Favourite Book: Testimonies book

Favourite Scripture: "Don't be afraid, just believe." Mark 5:36

A Few Words to You: The greatest spiritual satisfaction and joy could only be attained by obeying God

Happiest Moments: Feeling the work of the Holy Spirit while working with brothers and sisters in evangelizing; when others benefit from my work. 

How does she know you care for her: When you say to her, "I prayed for you." and send her a card or a bookmark

Most Concerned: My parents' health and all my family members can receive salvation soon.