"...the freedom and joy in Christ...a liberating message and life style. It is something that can be declared clearly, demonstrated powerfully and experienced daily."

Growing up in South China, Dr.Enoch Wan, Director of RTS/Jackson's Doctor of Missiology Program, never thought he would enter full-time Christian ministry. Life was hard, right from the beginning. "Papa Wan," his father, was a gifted Western-style tailor who ran his own thriving business. But finding an area of the country in which to work and raise a family was difficult. The Sino-Japanese Wars of the 1940s dragged on and on. Enoch's father moved the family around quite a bit, trying to find a safe haven from the fighting. His father and mother accepted Christ early and became active leaders at a Protestant church founded by American pioneer missionaries.

Enoch's mother was stricken with cancer and died, leaving Papa Wan with three small children to care for. The family ended up in Hong Kong, penniless and helpless. Having no other recourse, Papa Wan sadly placed his three young children in an orphanage . Enoch was only three. Unfortunately, his time there was very unhappy; he was mistreated by the orphanage workers who were often cruel to him.

Papa Wan eventually married Mei-Kam who was a kitchen cook in Cheung Chau, a small island in Hong Kong. Enoch and his siblings plus 4 children from Mei-Kam grew up on that small island, with Mama Wan as a single parent most of the time. Papa Wan worked on the main island of Hong Kong and could come home only once or twice a month for a day.

Whenever Papa Wan made it home, he led the family in worship and encouraged the children to enroll in seminary and enter the Christian ministry on his behalf. Enoch never thought he would be the one because he was very shy and suffered a severe inferiority complex from his mistreatment at the orphanage. By God's grace, however, he not only entered full-time Christian work but four of his siblings did as well.

Dr. Enoch Wan has a rich background of service in the United States, Canada and Asia. He previously served on the faculty at the Canadian Theological Seminary and Reformed Theological Seminary, Alliance Biblical Seminary - Manila, Alliance Theological College - Canberra. With wide-ranging experience as a teacher, church planter, pastor and field researcher, he comes to the classroom with significant insights and great enthusiasm. He is now serving as Professor of Anthropology and Mission, Director of the Doctor of Missiology Program, Chair – Division of Intercultural Studies in Western Seminary. In addition to various scholarly articles, Dr. Wan is the founder/editor of the e-journal: www.globalmissiology.org.

His publications include: Mission Resource Manual, Missions Within Reach, several books (in Chinese) on Sino-theology (contextual theology for the Chinese), a devotional commentary on Mark and a guide book on Christian marriage.

<information from http://www.rts.edu/quarterly/summer98/wan.html; http://www.westernseminary.edu/Faculty/PDX/pages/wan.html,
photo from http://www.omsc.org/Senior%20Scholars.html>