
"I have but one passion - it is He, it is He alone. The world is the field and the field is the world; and henceforth that country shall be my home where I can be most used in winning souls for Christ."

Count Zinzendorf was one of the rare Christians born into a noble family, yet fully consecrated to the Lord. He began to love the Lord at six and continued to mature in Christ throughout his school years. He became burdened for the oneness of Christians and purchased the village of Berthelsdorf as a refuge for persecuted Christians of every kind.

Due to persecution, many Moravian Brethren emigrated to Herrnhut, Zinzendorf’s estate. Other persecuted Christians also moved to Herrnhut resulting in serious contentions over doctrines. The strife continued unabated until Zinzendorf, burdened for their oneness, preached on the evils of division. All repented, and an amazing oneness, joy, and gladness commenced.

After the founding of Herrnhut, Zinzendorf was a shepherd to the believers there, stressing the importance of the church meetings. The corporate prayer of the saints developed into a burden to spread the gospel throughout the earth. The Moravians were pioneers among modern missionaries.

Distractions from Christ appeared in Herrnhut in the form of miracles and prophecies. Clergymen began an onslaught of opposition resulting in an investigation of Herrnhut and the banishment of Zinzendorf. Once banished, the Count established a settlement in Herrnhaag and ministered throughout Europe and America.

In his last years Zinzendorf experienced many troubles, including financial problems and opposition from religious leaders. Nevertheless, during Zinzendorf’s lifetime the Lord was able to recover much concerning the enjoyment of Christ, hymn-writing, and the practice of the church life.

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