"We are not trying to raise up more money; we’re trying to raise up better men. We are not trying to raise up cash; we’re trying to raise up Christians."

Dr. B. Clayton Shumpert pastored Grace Baptist Church in West Columbia, South Carolina for 21 years. He has been preaching for 44 years, having been called of God at the age of 16.

His ministry has included revivals, mission conferences, and speaking engagements in many foreign countries. In the past 25 years, he has been in some five countries preaching the Gospel of Christ. These include Norway, France, Germany, Romania, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Brazil, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Hong Kong, Virgin Islands, China, Mexico, and many others.

Brother Shumpert led Grace Baptist Church from a small number to a current membership of 1800. He developed 26 ministries within the church including AWANA, Bus Ministry, Children’s Church, Day Care Center, Deaf Ministry, Grace Bible Studies, Nursing Home Ministry, Printing Ministry, Shut-In Ministry, Senior Adult Ministry, Youth Ministry, Sunday School Ministry, Visitation Ministry, and a Tape Ministry, plus many others.

Grace Christian School, founded by Brother Shumpert, also a ministry of the church, has 450 students enrolled in Kindergarten through Grade 12.

Brother Shumpert led the church in a strong missions program, which now supports 160 missionary families and projects at home and abroad. He led in the construction of ten buildings in fifteen years at GBC.

Brother and Mrs. Shumpert have been married for 41 years. They have four children: Rachel (Mrs. Mike Frazier, Gena (Mrs. Sheldon Aschleman), Stacy (Mrs. Allen Gleaton), and John. They also have six grandchildren. The Shumperts reside in Columbia, SC.

He is now an International Representative for Baptist International Missions. His ministry includes preaching mission conferences, helping pastors develop their mission program, helping missionaries raise support, and serving as interim pastor while missionaries are on furlough. Brother and Mrs. Shumpert served for six months in 1991 in Japan and for three months in 1992 in Germany. His ministry of preaching the Word and promoting missions has been greatly blessed by God.

<information and photo from http://www.bimi.org/content/abShumpert.php>