Isn't it Time?
Judi Chow

I was just in Sydney, Australia for CCMI’s annual board meeting. There seems to be a unanimous urgency to talk about reaching out to the second generation Chinese in different parts of the world. CCM Canada has been taking CBC (Canadian-Born Chinese) youth to England for the last three years to reach out to the English-speaking Chinese there. See  "CBC*& BBC** Working Hand in Hand" by Rev. Edwin Kong. The number of participants grows by leaps and bounds every year. Isn't it time we look into this phenomena and ask what is God trying to tell us?

During the few days in Sydney, I met an ABC(Australian-Born Chinese) who is getting ready to go to South America to work with the Chinese there. It warms my heart to see her love for the Lord in action by going to serve among her kinsmen. I thought of another ABC(American-Born Chinese), who happens to be my niece, scheduled to go to China in 2003 for a short-term missions trip but changed her destination to Japan due to SARS. My friends’ teenagers and collegians kids are looking for ministry opportunities overseas, most of them lean towards working with the Chinese people group. These second generation Chinese might not speak Chinese perfectly, yet it has processed the Chinese culture somewhere within and identifies itself with the Chinese.

* Canadian-Born Chinese   ** British-Born Chinese