A Baby Missionary
Judi Chow


A missionary couple with a newly- born baby girl just joined the CCM family. I had the privilege of holding this tiny baby when she was only a few weeks old. She seemed so small, so frail, so pure! A baby brings joy as well as sleepless nights into a couple’s life, yet the fulfillment of being parents outweighs any sacrifices. As part of missionary preparation, all of our new missionaries have to go through a Cross-Cultural Training program including this baby missionary! During the short training, this baby has adjusted her sleeping pattern from day to night, eating regularly, and cooperates very well with all the activities each trainee goes through. Yes, I would say our baby missionary graduates with flying colors!

As I watched the proud father holding his girl, a similar image of another father holding another baby missionary came to mind. The tenderness, the wonderment, feeling of inadequacy is portrayed so richly in Michael Card’s lyrics from Joseph’s Song. Don’t rush through it, pause… ponder every line… and pray for all the fathers who might be holding a baby missionary in their arms.

Joseph’s Song 
How could it be…
This baby in my arms
Sleeping now, so peacefully
The Son of God, the angel said
How could it be…
Lord, I know He's not my own
Not of my flesh, not of my bone
Still Father, let this baby be
The son of my love

Father, show me where I fit into this plan of yours
How can a man be father to the Son of God?
Lord, for all my life I've been a simple carpenter
How can I raise a king? How can I raise a king?
He looks so small, His face and hands so fair
And when He cries the sun just seems to disappear
But when He laughs it shines again
How could it be…


Yes, how could this be… our Heavenly Father who gave up His only Son, to be the first missionary baby! He has also given us an earthly father who loves us although they might not be able to express it verbally. Slowly and surely, I came to appreciate the indirect, unspoken, implicit Chinese way of showing the depth of love. How can we convey our love this Christmas? Say it with ACTION, HE did!