Was I Thinking Too Much?
by Judi Chow

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There is a lake called Titicaca between the border of Peru and Bolivia in South America. It is said that some Uros, a tribe of Indians, are living on the floating island. Since I was visiting the missionaries in the neighbouring country, I organized a small adventurous team to go up the mountain and onto the floating island in order to see for ourselves. Most of the youth in the tribe have left for the cities to work for a living. Those remaining are the elderly who help take care of the grandchildren and sell souvenirs to visitors to assist with the family income. We found out that missionaries had come to spread the Good News long ago. Some children are still attending a Christian school that was started for their education.

We climbed a few hundred steps of uneven heights in order to learn more about the Uros culture on that day. On our way back, I took a picture of the back of this young man who was standing on the deck of the boat. Standing tall and quietly glaring at the receding floating island, was he thinking of his elderly parents? Or the baby? Or was I thinking too much? Maybe he was simply enjoying the beautiful sunset.