I Know I Don't Know
by Judi Chow

Recently I ran into a PowerPoint depicting the 5.12 earthquake of China; besides photos of the disaster are some thought-provoking lines beginning with "I don't know..., But I know..." Allow me to share a few with you here:

I don’t know how deep you know this disaster.
But I know you will be deeply shocked.

I don’t know how many towns were destroyed.
But I know many people lost their home.

I don’t know how many schools collapsed.
But I know at that time many classrooms were full of students.

I don’t know why they are crying.
                But I know the tear is from their heart.

After looking at this PowerPoint, a sense of sadness and helplessness overwhelms me but at the same time the melody of an old hymn came-- "I don't know about tomorrow, I just live from day to day... Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand, but I know who holds tomorrow, and I know who holds my hand." I have to admit there are many things I don't understand and have no answers to. I won't pretend a philosophical answer to "Why does God allow suffering?" will ease the pain of those sobbing or shouting, "Where is God when the building’s crashing down on my parents? Why didn't God save my wife? How can I go on living while my only son is dead?"

Suffering is painful and separation is difficult no matter how you look at it. How can anyone endure the unbearable and have the strength to face tomorrow? I believe only love can dry the tears and restore hope. Don't you remember John 3:16? "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son..." Because of love, God endured separation from His only son. Because of love, Jesus endured suffering for our sake. Because of love, we have hope of restoration. Buildings might crumble, lives would change, but the spirit is not crushed because I know who holds my hand.

Yes, it is depressing to see so many people have lost their homes, family members, or limbs. Maybe a few years down the road the pain might subside, scars not as noticeable, some learning to walk with their artificial leg, and students continue classes in their new schools. That might be the time for God's children to contemplate the meaning of Psalm 119:71 "My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees." I am not sure whether the author of that PowerPoint is a Christian or not, but the last couple of lines stating:

I don’t know what are they thinking about.
             But I know in their mind there is still hope.

I don't know what they are hoping for, but I know 1 Corinthians 13:13"Three things will last forever..." I particularly like the Message translation: "...Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love." Let love be our motivating force to lend a helping hand to rebuild the homeland of our kinsmen and to reach the hearts of the unreached with the love of our Lord.